This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.

2 Responses to “About”

  1. Mario Miguel Says:

    I am a brazilian physical therapist, with a doctor degree in neuroscience. Can you imagine all the possibilities you bring to us, in the neurological rehabilitation field, with your apps? I´m purchasing a wiimote now! Please, make contact in order to identify yourself. I work in a public brazilian university and we are plenty of patients with stroke that could get benefits with your work. Thank you. I will bring some news as soon as i test it.
    Mario Miguel

  2. Hey,

    if you are still looking for ideas. After finding out the anotation abilities by using the Wiimote, i wanted a practical way of using in my work.
    I work in CAD and contruction document creation.
    am looking at setting a paperless plan checking and anotation station with a 42″ lcd tv.
    ALthoug pdf software is out there to anotate i thing we can go further in anotating in 3d viewers. BIM is big in my Industry and Autodesk REvit and other software, like Naviswork have a stereogram option in there viewer. Im looking for a way to annotate and walk a 3d building with the wiimote. One to navigate, one to annotate and one for the eye tracking to give more of a 3d feel.

    simple version plan checking station that will have a wii mote tracking a large lcd screen to write on and save. Have tested it out, but the tracking resolution is no optimal. I use foxit pdf and adobe. Is there a way to use multiple wii motes to improve resolution and annotation?

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